Protection des données

A friendly fox with a magnifying glass.

1. Scope

This privacy policy (hereinafter "Privacy Policy") explains the nature, purpose and scope of the collection and processing of your personal data when using the services offered on the websites  and (hereinafter "Website") or the Profital app (hereinafter "App"). The provider and controller of the Website and App is Bring! Labs AG (hereinafter "Bring!", "we"). Bring! is a Swiss limited company with its registered office at Räffelstrasse 26, 8045 Zurich.Bring! is committed to protecting your privacy. Therefore, Bring! treats your personal data with great sensitivity. If personal data is collected or processed at all, Bring! is subject to Swiss data protection legislation.In this Privacy Policy, references to persons include both women and men as well as a plurality of persons.This Privacy Policy does not apply to external links that lead to third party offers and websites. These are outside the control of Bring! and therefore the privacy policy of the respective provider applies to such offers and websites.

2. Collection of personal data

Bring! collects and processes personal data that you voluntarily provide to Bring!, e.g. by submitting information on the Website or through the App or by corresponding with Bring! by phone, e-mail or otherwise. This includes, for example, your first and last name, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, etc., as well as information you provide when subscribing to services on the Website or the App or when reporting a problem with the Bring! services.

Some information is also collected automatically when the Website or App is used (technical information such as internet browser, operating system, date and time of access to the Website and referrer URL, IP address and host name of the accessing computer).The processing of personal data includes any handling of personal data, in particular the procurement, disclosure, storage, use, modification, transmission, archiving, deletion and destruction of collected personal data.

3. Purposes of processing  

Bring! uses the personal data you provide only for specific purposes, such as technical necessity, contractual requirements, legal provisions, overriding interest, i.e. for legitimate reasons, or with your express consent. In particular, Bring! uses your data for the following purposes:
  • for product development, scientific research, market research and customer analysis;
  • for marketing purposes, in particular to better understand the needs of the users and to improve the services of Bring! and to send (personalised) advertising messages;
  • to do business with users and to acquire you as a customer. For this purpose, Bring! may also share the personal data you provide with sales and cooperation partners in Switzerland and abroad;
  • to provide customer service and support and to monitor the use of the Website;
  • to comply with legal obligations;
  • to assert legal claims and defend against legal disputes and regulatory proceedings, and to prevent and investigate criminal offences and other wrongdoing;
  • to identify, prevent and resolve technical problems and to maintain operations; and
  • to inform you about changes, offers and news from Bring!, if you have given your prior consent.

4. Disclosure of personal data  

The disclosure of personal data to third parties involves addressees such as Bring! service providers, customers, authorities, courts, media, associations, etc. Bring! will only disclose your personal data to the extent permitted by applicable data protection laws.Bring! may transfer the processing of personal data by contract or by law to a processor, i.e. a private person or a federal body that processes personal data on behalf of Bring!, if
  • the personal data is processed in the same way as Bring! is entitled to do; and
  • no legal or contractual confidentiality obligation prohibits the transfer.
Bring! ensures that the processor is able to guarantee data security.

5. International transfer of personal data

Your personal data is stored in databases in the USA. Under certain circumstances, however, it is necessary for Bring! to transfer personal data to countries outside Switzerland. Any transfer of personal data to countries where the level of data protection is not recognised as adequate by the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) will be made on the basis of contractual agreements, such as the model contract defined by the FDPIC for the outsourcing of data processing abroad, or on the basis of other guarantees that comply with applicable law.

6. Access data (server log files)

When you use our services, we automatically collect information that your browser sends during the usage process and that is necessary to use our services. When you visit our Website, this information includes the URL, browser type, browser version, requesting provider, IP address, and the date and time you access our Services. When using the App, the IP address, installation ID, location, operating system, platform (iOS, Android, Windows), device model, App version and date and time of use of our services are automatically recorded. We store this data anonymously and use it for statistical purposes for the operation, security and optimisation of our services.

7. Cookies

When you visit our Website for the first time, we store a so-called "cookie" on your computer. Cookies are small text files that make it easier or possible for you to use our services. We use a session cookie. This cookie only contains the session ID and allows us to identify your browser during your visit so that you do not have to re-enter data when you change pages. It is deleted after 2 months and no personal information is stored in this cookie. You can block the use of cookies in your browser.

8. Google

On our website and app, we use various services of Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; hereinafter "Google"), such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, Crashlytics and others, to analyze user behavior and improve our website. These services use technologies such as cookies and tracking pixels to collect and process data about your use. This includes information such as your IP address, the time spent on certain pages and interactions with our website and app. Further information on the technologies used by Google and the associated data processing can be found in Google's privacy policy:
You can find an overview of the cookies used at:

As a user of the Profital app, you can object to the use of cookies by Google at any time with effect for the future.

However this may limit your ability to use our services.

In the browser:
  • Android Gingerbread, HoneyComb, Ice Cream, KitKat and Lollipop (Android versions 2.3 and above): Google Settings / Ads / Opt out of interest-based ads / opt out
  • iOS (ab 6): Einstellungen / Datenschutz / Werbung / Kein Ad-Tracking / opt in

9. AppsFlyer

We use "AppsFlyer", an analytics programme from AppsFlyer Inc., 111 New Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA, to analyse the use of our Apps. AppsFlyer collects anonymous usage data such as anonymised IP addresses, anonymised IDFA (iOS) or Google Advertising ID, time of installation and data about interactions in the App. It is not possible to identify you individually. The data collected is recorded in anonymous form and is used to analyse the functioning and use of the App by producing anonymous evaluations and graphs on the number of visits, number of pages accessed per user, etc. The analysis is used solely for our own market research and to improve and tailor the App.

10. Profital tracking tool

We use a tracking tool to collect data about your usage behavior. We collect the following data:

- Action performed
- SessionID
- Uuid (randomly generated identification number)
- Timestamp
- Location data
- Browser version.

By analyzing and evaluating this data, we draw conclusions about the average presumed user interests. We use these findings to design the functions and content of the websites in line with requirements and for market research. The individual user is not identified. However, the evaluation of specific user behavior is used to derive the presumed user interests and to individually design the content displayed and to place target group-specific advertising.

11. Newsletter and Push Notifications

11.1. Newsletter

The Profital newsletter keeps you informed about the latest trends in digital retail marketing. If you would like to receive this newsletter, we need a valid e-mail address from you. We do not collect any other information. In order to receive the newsletter, you may have consented to Profital sending you a newsletter.

You can unsubscribe at any time via a link in the newsletter itself. We will delete your data immediately after you unsubscribe.

11.2. Push Notifications

Push notifications are to apps what newsletters are to websites. After downloading the App, your mobile device registers with the platform's push service (iOS - Apple Push Notification Service; Android - Google Cloud Messaging). The service then sends the registration ID (Android) or token (iOS) to the registered device; the ID or token is sent by the App to the server and stored in a database. If a push notification is to be sent, the server sends the desired message with the registration ID/token to the platform's push service, which forwards the push message to the relevant devices.

We offer to send you push notifications
  • when your "favorite stores" publish new offers/brochures (automated push notifications);
  • with "exclusive information", i.e. campaigns from merchants (manual and geo-based push notifications);
  • about offers from a merchant near you (geo-based push notifications).
Consent is requested when the App is first set up and later when an event occurs. In order to receive the newsletter, you may have consented to Profital sending you push notifications.

You may withdraw your consent to receive push notifications at any time as follows:
  • Profital app/settings/favourite shops
  • Profital App/Settings/Exclusive information
You can opt out of receiving push notifications via the operating system as follows:
  • iOS/Settings/Profital/Messages/Opt out
  • Android/Settings/Apps/Profital/Notifications/Opt out

12. Location data

In order to show you offers and prices in your area, we need to know your location. Without your location, either by manually entering your location or by automatic location detection, you may not be able to use our services, or may only be able to use them to a limited extent. You can disable automatic location tracking on the Website at any time as follows: Firefox/button "auto-location" / "Never share your location with this site"Users of the Profital App may opt out of automatic location tracking at any time as follows: In the App: Profital App/Change My Location/Set Location on Startup -> Opt Out In the browser:

- IOS/Settings/Data protection/Location services/Profital/Allow access to location/Never or When using the app or Always
- Android/Settings/Apps/Profital/Authorisations/Location

13. Coordonnées pour les demandes

Si vous nous envoyez une demande de contact, veuillez ne nous fournir que les données personnelles dont nous avons besoin pour fournir les services proposés. Les informations qui nous sont fournies sont enregistrées dans nos systèmes informatiques.

14. Your rights

As a data subject, you have the right to know what personal data we are processing about you, and you may at any time request that we provide you with a copy of the personal data held about you. In addition, you may request information about the origin, disclosure, purpose of collection and use, the intended retention period, the logic applied to the processing of the personal data and, if applicable, the country to which the personal data has been disclosed. Furthermore, we will rectify, supplement, correct, delete or restrict the processing of personal data at any time upon your request and upon presentation of a copy of your passport or identity card. If the deletion of such data is not permitted for legal, contractual, commercial or financial reasons, in particular with regard to statutory retention periods, the data will be blocked instead of deleted.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your data or the assertion of your rights, please contact Bring! Labs AG, Räffelstrasse 26, 8045 Zurich or send an e-mail to [].

You also have the right to pursue your claims in court, to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority and to withdraw your consent to data processing. The competent authority is determined by your habitual residence, place of work or the location of the suspected infringement. In Switzerland, the competent authority is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC, Feldeggweg 1, 3003 Bern,

15. Adaption of the privacy policy

Bring! reserves the right to adapt, amend and modify this Privacy Policy at any time within the framework of legal requirements. The latest version will always be available on the Website and will replace all previous versions.